Ahriyya A dark god, scorned in the Latian faith
Alanyans Denizens of the Kingdom of Alanya
Baladict/Barzakh Believed to be where souls go immediately after death
Crucians Denizens of the Holy Empire of Crucis
Ejazi Denizens of Ejaz, an island kingdom south of Sirm
Ethosians Worshippers of the Archangel
Excubitors Loyal guardsmen of the Imperator of Crucis
Fanaa Paramic word meaning “annihilation” of identity and desire
Gholam Loyal slave soldiers of the Shah of Alanya
Janissaries Loyal slave soldiers of the Shah of Sirm
Jinn An invisible spirit said to be the source of magic
Kashanese Denizens of the Kingdom of Kashan
Khazis Mystical warriors of the Latian faith
Latians Worshippers of the goddess Lat
Lidya The eastern continent, home to Sirm, Alanya, and Kashan
Paramic Liturgical language of the Latian faith and common tongue of the Kingdom of Alanya
Pasgardians Denizens of Pasgard, a territory of Crucis
Rubadi A clan of nomadic horse warriors, related to the zabadar
Ruh Paramic word for soul or spirit
Ruthenians Denizens of Ruthenia, a country north of Crucis
Seluqal The royal house of Sirm, Alanya, and Kashan
Silklanders Denizens of the Silk Empire
Simurgh A giant bird from myth
Sirmians Denizens of the Kingdom of Sirm
Thamesians Denizens of Thames, a country north of Crucis
Yuna The western continent, home to Crucis
Zabadar Horse warriors that live in the plains of Sirm